How to Create a Perfect Trousseau for a Modern-Age Bride

How to Create a Perfect Trousseau for a Modern-Age Bride

September 19th, 2022

The Modern bride-to-be brigade doesn't shy away to ask from first-hand and point-blank experiences of the real brides. Especially when it comes to making mindful decisions about wedding trousseau.

Bridal Trousseau is a traditional practice wrapped in contemporary, careful and smart decision-making in millennial times like these.

From tiny trinkets to princess-sized dresses, your trousseau should be balanced enough to provide value to your fashion needs, money, and post-wedding confidence! 

The Nakhrali Bridal Studio is privileged to be a part of the journey of these women to their wedding day, trousseau and much more!

Trousseau Treasure

We always have a great time deciding from dresses to accessories, themes of functions, post-wedding scenes, and the process of making you the most graceful Bride!

These cherished interaction ideas with the brides-to-be give us a list of pointers that an age-reforming bride can take help to decide her trousseau. 

Here are a few straight-from-the-heart ideas from our poised Nakhrali brides:

Family Structure

The family set-up after the wedding is an initial focus point for deciding the trousseau. A joint family would need more traditional outfits and trinkets along with some fusion and co-ord sets as compared to a bride that is joining into a nuclear family setup. A nuclear setup will require more fusions, co-ord sets, and western wears than traditional saree counts.

Moving Cities

If you are changing cities, it is advisable to choose a versatile mix in the trousseau box. The idea is to select pieces that will relate more to the latest styles irrespective of the place you reside in. You can also keep a few unstitched sets for getting them tailored as per the city trend. Your western wear collection will also depend on the city fashion trends.

Resuming Work Post Wedding

If you are restarting work immediately post-wedding, there are chances of lesser social meetups. Your trousseau can combine lighter sets for office as well as regular days. You'd need more workwear/fusion wear with a minimalist style quotient (we have an astonishing range for those too) than party traditional wear. 

Lifestyle and Social Circle

There are setups where all the above pointers have to be considered in parts. Even a joint family with a limited social circle would need lesser traditional wear and more western and ethnic workwear. A city like Mumbai or Delhi would need more western wear for regular days, even for workwear. 

The Night's Queen

Changing Trends

The hyperbole of the changing trends is unmatchable. When you leave no stone unturned to optimise your planning, it is prudent to make a combination of your trousseau plan that doesn't become out-of-date before you can use them. Versatile, traditional, evergreen and sustainable styles need to be planned to get the best value and keep you on top of the style game every day.

We really hope these pointers will help you to keep most of your confusion at bay because that is the last of the emotions needed in a wedding! Right? 

The planning that all you brides do, to include everything possible without missing out on the essentials is phenomenal.

Forethought on the trousseau can make the dream wedding shopping more fulfilling and stress-free and will let you enjoy it which you genuinely deserve!

You have to take the first step and decide on the above pointers as per your needs, and leave the rest of the task for the selection of the right ensembles on Team Nakhrali. We are right beside you to bring out your beaming smile of satisfaction, and it means the world to us!

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